I get this question occasionally. the simple answer is to do it as much as you want depending on your goals.
Kind of a duh” answer, so let’s dissect it a bit.
What is your goal? Want to lose some weight? A 20% average calorie burn is common. BUT how in the heck do you measure that? Guess you’ll have to trust the Cooper Institute‘s testing.
I say it’s great to get your heart rate up for about 30 mins … Doctors love it when you exercise your heart – hey, it’s a muscle. By using your upper body (triceps first), your heart rate WILL go up. You can easily measure the difference over regular walking.
Go about 50 yards without your poles…get your heart rate….then come back and get them. Walk the same distance – same pace, then measure again. I, Ricky Deutsch, GUARANTEE your rate will go up. Maybe 8 points, maybe more, maybe less. Again, by getting your heart up into the “Zone” (about 70% of your max), you will train your heart and it will pump harder. All this is good.
So I say, a minimum time is 20 minutes. 30 mins is better. 40 is better yet. Get the idea? Burn some calories and get the rate rate up. Ask your doctor. Have him contact me if in doubt.
Now, go back to a post I did on the calorie item. Go for it! Oh, and no joint pain and you will not feel any more tired than when you were just walking.
Carpe Diem!
Seize the day, my friends.