While tooling around Phoenix, I saw this man rolling down the street. He had some sort of foot gear – they didn’t look like roller blades, but I saw his poles. He was “skiing” at a decent speed.
I was able to snap this photo. OK, I was NOT driving.
Using poles for other than Nordic Walking is BIG … as in HUGE…in Europe. Us Yankees are typically way behind our Euro friends.
I wish I had poles when I was roller blading. I could NOT stop. Yikes! I only did a butt slam once. Glad that activity is pretty much faded away.
Once you get used to walking – you might want to think about other ways to use your poles. I will tell you about one purpose I used while on a trip to Kings Canyon National Park.
In the meantime, just keep putting one foot in front of the other. Over and over.
Drop on a comment if you know of other uses for your poles.
-Carpe Diem